Why Random Shirts?

Lance Ingwersen · · 2 comments

I think a semi-regular blog is in order.  A little behind the scenes information, some pictures of the shop, some random thoughts ...really, probably random thoughts more than anything, but some of the other stuff. Looking back through the "Random Shirts in Random Places" pictures gave me a sense of community.  I'd like to build back some sense of community around Random Shirts.

I bought Random Shirts in February.  It wasn't a get rich quick scheme by any means.  But I've been asked why, so I'll quickly explain why I bought Random Shirts as well as why you should buy some of our Random Shirts and help spread the word.

I bought my first shirts from Random Shirts in 2005, for my then girlfriend. (We celebrated our 11th Anniversary a couple weeks ago and have four kids now!)  I've always had a sense of humor that involved playing dumb, mixing up words, and puns.  I like to make people laugh, and to remind them let loose occasionally.  I think life is too short to spend the whole thing being serious.

So, quick run-through of how I got here: I went to college and dropped out because I worked at a printing shop that had decent pay and took time away from school, rage-quit that job, worked a couple low-paying dead-end jobs, joined the Army for five years, went back to school for graphic design when I got out, realized I liked designing and printing shirts while I was in school, started a side business, and then saw an email about Random Shirts liquidating.  Naturally, it felt like everything had led me to this point.  For example, our "Farmers" shirt is a concept I came up with 3 or 4 years ago while I was finishing my degree.  It saw a few tweaks to wind up where it is now, but that design seemed as natural of a fit for Random Shirts as I did... The previous owners sounded like they intended on liquidating the inventory and re-building, but they were interested in selling when there was interest to buy.  We worked out all those details, and here I am trying to rebuild it.

Farmers: Because Chickens Don't Milk Themselves (Original Design)

So, the other end of the question "Why Random Shirts" ...why should you give us your hard-earned money?  That question is ultimately answered by you.  Do you think they're funny?  Do you think they are worth the amount of dollars they cost?  That pretty much sums it up.  But, putting on my salesman hat now... We print in-house.  We don't outsource anything (might hire some freelance designers eventually though).  We're a small family-operated business now.  My kids throw silly ideas for shirts at me, they enjoy the youth shirts that I print for them.  My wife helps with getting shirts packaged and dropped off at the post office.

Our selling points:

  • We are a small family-operated business
  • We are a veteran-owned business
  • We use Eco-Friendly Inks and Chemicals
  • We want to keep the Christian roots this business has historically had (not that we want to alienate or exclude any customers, we love you all equally)

We're going to continue building our catalog and adding options, so stick with us and let's rebuild this business!  I am currently working on Graduate coursework in Marketing while working full time as a Maintenance Technician at a Wal-Mart Distribution Center and operating a local sign and shirt business.  And, most importantly, doing my best to not let my family feel neglected in the process.  So, if we're slow at getting new designs out, or it takes a day or two to get your order shipped, I hope you can forgive me!

The new man behind the curtain,

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  • Absolutely! It’s a good mix of nostalgia and it being a good fit for me. I look forward to rolling out new designs for people like us! Thinking of setting up an ambassador program for people who want to help further the brand… probably make up some stickers to have them pass out at events or Christian colleges (whatever fits for them and will be effective) and have some social media presence in exchange for A) a little cash and B) some input on new designs and promotions. The program I’m in has me exploring new avenues of recharging the fan base and expanding it.

  • I remember first seeing Random Shirts years ago. I grew up a pastor’s kid who was at every youth group meeting, event, etc. I remember thinking that I loved these shirts because it felt like the company understood me. Thank you for keeping it alive, and continuing in the great work!


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